Publications in a book on mobility law


The attorneys at Ravetto Associés, who specialise in energy sector law, are able to grasp the different facets of mobility law thanks to their sector-specific expertise.

Mobility and the law

The mobility sector is changing to meet the challenges of the ecological and energy transition. For these reasons, new technological, financial, economic and legal models need to be developed. Travel is no longer considered on a sector-by-sector basis, but from a more global perspective. Public authorities are now being encouraged to promote a combination of all modes of transport. Indeed, they have to rethink the relationships between the different organisational structures. The objective is to meet current mobility needs while preserving the future.

Our expertise in public law and energy

Patrick Labayle-Pabet, partner, Paul Ravetto, partner and Pamela Ledun, associate contributed to the collective work entitled “Le droit des mobilités”. It is edited by Prof. Louis DE FONTENELLE and published in February 2024 by LexisNexis. Bringing together seventy authors, this collective, interdisciplinary work is the first reference work on the subject.

Patrick Labayle-Pabet’s contribution is on the subject of « Contractual/partnership logic and the organisation of mobility: any specific features ? » (Logique contractuelle/partenariale et organisation des mobilités : des spécificités ?) and Pamela Ledun and Paul Ravetto’s contribution is on « The right a to plug » (Le droit à la prise).

The articles written by our lawyers demonstrate their in-depth understanding of the legal issues specific to this sector and their desire to remain at the forefront of legal developments in this constantly evolving field.

Livre droit des mobilités Lexis